Al-'Ayn, translated as the evil eye, is an Arabic term often used to describe the harm caused when one person negatively influences another through their gaze. For instance, an individual's feelings of hatred or jealousy can impact another by repeatedly looking at a particular object. The evidence lies in Allah's (SWT) command to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to seek refuge from the envier (interpretation of the meaning): "And from the evil of the envier when he envies" [Qur'an, 113:5]. It's crucial to note that anyone imparting the evil eye is considered "envious," but not every envier has the ability to cast the evil eye on another. And Allah (SWT) knows best.
The Concept Of The Evil Eye!
Al-'Ayn, translated as the evil eye, is an Arabic term used to describe the harm caused when one person negatively influences another through their gaze. For instance, an individual's feelings of hatred or jealousy can impact another by repeatedly looking at a particular object. The evidence is found in Allah's (SWT) command to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to seek refuge from the envier (interpretation of the meaning): "And from the evil of the envier when he envies" [Qur'an, 113:5]. It's crucial to note that while anyone imparting the evil eye is considered "envious," not every envier has the ability to cast the evil eye on another. And Allah (SWT) knows best.
Allah (SWT) says:
“And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the message and they say, "Indeed, he is mad.’” (Al-Qalam: 51)
Ibn Katheer (RA) cites this verse as evidence of the reality of the evil eye, emphasizing its ability to affect people since Allah (SWT) mentions 'those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the message.'
A historical incident during the time of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ involved the Quraish requesting individuals known for casting the evil eye, capable of causing illness, death, or other effects, to target the Prophet ﷺ. However, Allah (SWT) protected Prophet Muhammad ﷺ from those intending harm with the evil eye.
Ibnul Qayyim (RA), in his book Zaad al Ma’ad, notes that some individuals deny the effects of the evil eye, describing them as arrogant and lacking knowledge.
According to certain scholars, the concept of affecting a person with the evil eye (Ayn) can be likened to the impact when someone walks into a room and feels embarrassment or shyness due to others looking at them, potentially causing a change in facial color. Another analogy is when someone sees someone they fear, causing them to turn pale.
Ibnul Qayyim (RA) defines the evil eye as a physical or spiritual effect that emanates from the eye and impacts the individual.
The Different Types of Ayn (Evil Eye)
There are different types of Evil Eye which a person can become afflicted with. They are:
(العين) Ayn - The eye from someone who may love or know you and not have evil intentions towards you.
(الحســـد) Hasad - The envious eye from someone who hates or dislikes you or something you have but wants it removed from you.
(النفس) Nafs - The admiring eye which a person can put on themself.
(النظرة) Nathara - The evil eye which comes from the Jinn.
Evidence of Ayn and It's Type From Saheeh Hadeeth:
The Prophet ﷺ said: “The evil eye is real and if anything were to overtake Qadr (divine decree), it would have been the evil eye…”. This alludes to the speed of the evil eye and expresses that if anything was to overtake the decree of Allah it would have been the evil eye, i.e. in its speed.
Iblees envied Adam (AS) as he disliked his creation and the fact he was ordered to prostate to him. He thought he was better because he was made from fire and Adam (AS) was created from clay. Therefore it was only envy which pushed iblees to transgress and disobey the order of Allah (SWT).
The Prophet ﷺ “Whoever among you sees something in himself or in his possessions or in his brother that he likes, let him pray for blessings for it because the evil eye is real.”
Narrated by Ibn al-Sunni, Al-Haakim and classed as saheeh by Al-Albaani 243.
This originates from the evil eye of a Jinn. The evidence for this is the narration of Umm Salamah (RAA) who said the Prophet ﷺ saw in her house a slave girl with a discolouration on her face so he said: “Perform Ruqya for her, for she has been afflicted by the eye of a Jinn.”
From the above, we see that the evil eye can be given by a human or by a Jinn. It is also known that animals can give the evil eye too when they look at something. There are many stories and encounters concerning this and Allah knows best.
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