A sahir (Sorcerer/magician) is someone who uses black magic. Black Magic involves an agreement between a sorcerer and a shaytaan, wherein the sorcerer commits certain illegal or polytheistic acts to fulfill the shaytaan's requests. In return, the shaytaan agrees to assist and obey the sorcerer's commands. Examples of conditions that a sorcerer might fulfill include:
- Using the Qur'an as footwear to go to the toilet.
- Writing Qur'anic verses with filth.
- Writing Qur'anic verses with menstrual discharge.
- Placing Qur'anic verses under the sorcerer's feet.
- Anagrammatizing (writing in reverse) the opening chapter (Al-Fatihah) of the Qur'an.
- Performing prayers without ablution.
- Remaining in a state of Janaaba (major impurity).
- Sacrificing animals in the name of shaytaan rather than in the name of Allah and placing the carcass at a location specified by the shaytaan.
- Prostrating to entities other than Allah (SWT), whether human, jinn, planet, or object.
- Engaging in incestuous acts.
- Writing incantations that constitute disbelief.
It is evident that the Jinn assist the sorcerer only in exchange for certain actions, and the shaytaan is more prompt and obedient in executing orders when the sorcerer's disbelief is greater.

Signs By Which A Magician May Be Known:
He inquires about one's name and mother's name, requesting the sacrifice of an animal or bird, regardless of specific characteristics. The blood may be applied to the sick person or not as per his demand.
He instructs the sick individual to consume specific foods or drinks for a defined period while staying secluded in a dimly lit room during this time. Additionally, he may provide paper to burn for scenting like incense, hanging, or burying.
The sorcerer engages in drawing letters, numbers, hexagons, or tearing up words of Allah. Uttering incomprehensible words or using a language other than Arabic or a known language is also part of the practice.
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